Tuesday, 30 March 2010

According to Dr. Miles special formula is a unique blend of the following special herbs. This formulation helps promote better and a healthier circulation system.

Cayenne - Stimulates the blood and the heart, increasing and strengthening the pulse as-well-as regulating the cholesterol and lipid levels.

Kelp - Increases contractile force in the atria. Kelp is a general nutritive tonic to the blood, supplying essential vitamins and mineral salts. It is also an important adjunct to any cleansing program since it can bind radio active Strontium, Barium, Cadmium and Zinc, some of our most dangerous pollutants, in the gastrointestinal tract, thus preventing their absorption into the body.

Gentian Root - Is invaluable to the body's circulation and overall health by strengthening its ability to digest and assimilate food. The effect of Gentian on the vascular system is to help insure that the abdominal organs receive a rich supply of blood. It has also been found that Gentian Root increases the sensitivity of many glands and organs to the effect of adrenaline, the endogenous hormone that is secreted when the body needs quick energy, and also, helps prevent the onset of Brittle Diabetes.

Ginger Root - Will stimulate circulation in the G.I. tract and other parts of the body, and will help the body digest and the blood assimilate the Cayenne. It is stimulating to the circulation and will help to warm cold hands and feet. Others uses include relief of headaches, aches and pains, and as a cleansing agent through the kidneys and bowels.

Blue Vervain - Is valued by many herbalists as an agent that will help to improve poor circulation problems and its anti-inflammatory principles make it a valuable ingredient in a blend designed to improve the circulation of blood going to infected, feverish areas.

Prickly Ash Bark - Is an excellent circulatory stimulant; although it is slower working than Cayenne, its effects are longer lasting. The berries contain the volatile oil and are more active in stimulating circulation. It is also a blood purifier, useful for skin diseases and accumulations in the joints.

Butcher's Broom - Builds up structure of the veins; for hemorrhoids and varicose veins; improves circulation and specifically for circulation and the urinary tract. Increases circulation to help prevent post-operative thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Strengthens the blood vessels and helps to keep the veins clean and healthy. Helps to prevent blood clotting via its diuretic effect.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

How to use herbal medicines safely

To ensure that you are using botanical medicines safely and effectively, observe the following precautions:

• Don’t use herbal preparations to self-treat serious medical conditions or persistent symptoms.
• Don’t give children herbal remedies without medical supervision. * Don’t take herbal medicines if you are pregnant or a nursing mother.
• Tell your doctor about any herbal remedies you are taking, because herbs can interact with conventional drugs.
• Never take more than the recommended dosage of an herbal preparation. Stop taking the herbal immediately if you notice an adverse reaction, and report any negative reactions. Purchase herbal preparations from reliable, trustworthy sources.
• When taking laboratory or drug tests, advise the person administering the test of any herbal preparations you are taking. These herbs can trigger false findings in tests for drug abuse and can invalidate routine lab tests.